Covid Impact on Rennes Economy

There are hidden gems everywhere in Open Source and Open Data. I found one while scouring for interesting Datasets for one of my projects.

The French Open Data portal assimilates all the open data generated in France from multiple municipalities, organizations, and individuals. One such interesting Dataset I found on this platform is from Region Bretagne about Shops opened during confinement.

The below depicts some insights in to Covid economy in the city.

First, let us look at the businesses on the map


The status of Businesses are tagged as closed, open, open_partial, partial, and unknown. The below plot depicts the distribution of business status by category in the city.

From the plot, We could understand that most of the businesses status are unknown. This could be of the reason either the business has been closed or the owner has been unresponsive in the pandemic. But, some business categories outnumber others in closures such as amenity businesses. Let us delve into sub category level and find some extra information.

Clothing and Eating Businesses hold a sizeable chunk in the City. Also, we find how Boulangeries fit into french economy. Let us delve into each of these categories separately to understand a bit more.

Eating Businesses

Some fast food centers have either adapted or else opened partially. Let us delve into partially opened fast food centers as there are lot more of them.

Big Brands seems adapting faster to the pandemic than individual fast food eateries.

Food Businesses

No closed supermarket chains. wow! This seems the reason behind closing the non-essential aisles in the second confinement to reduce the unfair advantage supermarket chains have. Bravo France!

Amenity Businesses

There are a large number of closures in Amenity Businesses. Let us delve into those closures,

These are the interesting insights I found from the open data published. You can find the code on my Github if you wanted to extract insights for other regions in France.

I hope you find this article interesting! I am open to comments and suggestions. Please feel free to like and comment.

Yaswanthkumar Gothireddy
Yaswanthkumar Gothireddy

My research interests include Applied Data Science, Casual Inference, and Data Analytics
